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SE Minnesota Parent Meetings

Submitted by an LD OnLine user on

Learning Disabilities Parents and Advocates will be hosting the following meetings. All meetings are held at 7:00 pm at Rochester Covanent Church, 4950 31st Ave. NW in Rochester, MN. The meetings are free and open to the public.Feb 12, 2001: Support groups for parents and one on one help with special education advocates.March 12, 2001: Dr. Larry Peterson, MD and Dr. Kevin Weber Ph.D. LP from Olmsted Medical Group present “Depression and Learning Disabilties in Children.” Representives from NAMI will be available to answer questions about their programs and support groups for mental illness.April 9, 2001: Support Groups for Parents and One on one meetings for parents with advocates.May 14, 2001: Writing Individual Education Plans for Educational Sucess - what parents need to know. Presented by LDPA advocates.For more info call the LDPA help line at 507-289-3651.

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