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12 year old ADHD boy behavior problems in school need Help

Submitted by an LD OnLine user on

I am a mother of a 12 year old boy who is has ADHD.
He has been taking Adderall XR and Risperdall but I think it just stopped working he was very angry
and aggressive. He was cursing, pushing, defiant etc.
After a severe day the school told me to pick him up that he was being suspended for a day. I took the day off to see the therapist and Doc and we changed meds to
focalin xr and risperdall. He had a good week seemed happier some good comments from teacher but said one curse word and they suspended him. Even called the school cop in to threaten a ciatation against him.
Am I nuts or are they. As a parent of a child with ADHD we can’t expect perfection but improvement? Need help upset want to sue school they have no clue. How do you find legal help? anyone have experience with schools that just do not get it. What to do? Need help

Submitted by DRHD on Sun, 05/04/2008 - 11:37 AM


Because a child has ADHD or has an IEP does not change a school division’s obligation to maintain a safe school. Having an IEP does not immunize a child from being removed for inappropriate student conduct. Here are the rules in matters related to discipline of children with disabilities:

1) Any child may be removed from school up to a 10 day removal. It is not necessary to determine if the conduct had any relationship to the disability. When it is contemplated that a removal is to take place beyond a 10 day period, the change of placement procedures “kick in” and a manifestation determination procedure takes place. At the same time a functional behavior assessment may take place if one is absent from the child’s IEP and a behavior improvement plan should or could be developed.

2) To the extent any child with a disability when it is contemplated removal beyond 10 days and the behavior is not a manifestation of the implementation and appropriateness of the child’s IEP nor the relationship to the disability, any child may be removed as if not disabled.

3) In matters related to weapons, drugs, and personal bodily injury to others, any child, disabled or not, may be removed for a 45 administrative day period.

In summary, student discipline for children with disabilities may take place and must take place to maintain safe schools. However, when a disciplinary decision begins to encroach a long term removal, there are procedural steps required to do this.


Submitted by gigi on Sat, 05/10/2008 - 12:14 PM


Thank You for your response. It sounds like you are an educator yourself. My son was not endangering the school. His therapist agreed with me and we called an IEP review meeting with the school. It actually went very well but they where informed that anymore of that type of response would not be tollerated. He has since changed meds, put on a behavior plan, and now is doing very well. I think schools want to put children in a nice little box and when a child does not fit in that box they have a problem. I thank God that my child is an individual with many talents and differences.I now am a better informed Mom and know my sons rights.

Submitted by Mandi on Sat, 05/10/2008 - 6:55 PM


Improvement but not perfection?

Wow… I don’t know what to say…. If you ask me our culture views one alleged person as “perfect.” That would be Jesus, (Who i have found as of yet no support for in the fossil record, therefore i doubt him.) But the point is, he was over turning tables of the money lenders/takers in the synagogs….. I can only imagine he seemed rather…. Hmmm overly responsive irratic and even impulsive. Also running around over turning tables could be viewed as mildly violent. It seems too such behavior went all the way back to his youth when once he ran off and got into it with a bunch of Rabbis a long discussion…. But his mommy and daddy went crazy looking for him… Seems impulsive and absentminded and rather unaware of whats going on…. Also, he seems to have not had the best social graces either. If he did, no one would have ratted him out for a bag of silver. He also seems to have been imaginative as many ADHD and LD children are, as he imagined his blood was wine and his body bread…. He also seems to have been not paying attention to the Romans, who ultimately crucified him. (No matter who gets blamed the ones that actually nailed him to the cross were likely romans. Also, this is a very roman form of punishment. The judaic people did not have such practices. They had a thing for stones. So if infact they had killed him it would have been by stoning. Which is one reason why i will never understand why they were blamed for it… But i study archaeology, mainly egyptology but certain biblical matters hmmm interest me and i find myself debating them far too often with others in my field… sorry.
There are many other stories of Jesus acting in such ways also…. Plus there is mention quite frequently of self medicating marijuana in the bible too, so may references to ‘smoky clouds’ and such. Which ofcourse is know to calm people down…. It seems likely, Jesus had ADHD. *IF* he existed which is doubtful. Yet he is our culture’s view of perfect. Maybe your son IS perfect just the way he is?

Maybe society is what is broken?

Maybe a bit of both….

Yes schools DO put round pegs in square holes, or try anyway. The school system in America is a machine. Not an educator. It needs to be fixed for all children those with ADHD and those without.

On another point, before you judge your son as something some how ‘broken’ or ‘sick’ or less able, there is 0 evidence found in over 50 years of research that shows *any* difference in the way the ADHD brain functions is shaped or is sized.

As for what is a danger to schools and what isn’t it is more a question what is a danger to society. All through history we see it again and again… People who for whatever reason are viewed as abnormal are often also viewed as inferior and their humanity is often stripped away. Its horrible. We see it with women, middle ages into the 1970s. We see it with african americans, sadly into the present day. As there are still those sick atrociously ignorant hate groups running around sounding off and sounding ignorant. Difference in gender, makes women other… Difference in skin pigmentation makes those of african decent other (Well not really, but so to speak, it was the reason why they were so poorly treated.) Also differences in religion, salem witch trials as well as those in Europe. To this day science has no evidence that proves that any difference whatsoever in ADHD and non ADHD children or adults when compared to normally functioning people. It is also a fact that ritalin effects all children essentially in the same way atleast on the immediate chemical level. Society views difference as a threat. So by being considered different your son then posed a threat.

I am still bothered with this improvement perfection thing as i guess i find it hurtful having ADHD myself. NO ONE IS PERFECT! You can not expect or hop-e for perfection in *anyone* as for improvement, I don’t know. Most of the shool shootings were don by boys on medication as it effects the dopamine and is a much more severe effect than the one cocaine has though aside from the severity the way it effects is essentially the same.

As for your son’s rights, please recognize we live in the messed up country of the USA. In the usa, children have no rights. They merely exist as the property of their parents. You do not assert his rights, you assert *yours.*

Focus on his talents, make sure he gets to do the most with them. Because as he gets older, he may need them to support himself or to get through secondary educcation. There is no reason he should not get through it. I have Dyslexia too. I read and write in 6 languages as well as ancient coptic, hieratic script, and hieroglyphs. I read and write also in western musical notation fairly fluently and in ancient greek musical notation. I am studying egyptology at university level.

So don’t ever feel like he is less perfect than anyone else. Because he needs you to see him. Not for all the lables but for who he is. As enough bpeople see him for the lables already. He is your talented child. He is as able as you encourage him to be and teach him to be. He can do anything he wants in life. Regardless of what these education specialists and shrinks may say. They told my mother when i was 4 that i would never be able to write my own name! Because i wouldn’t be able to learn to read… Teach your son, to treat these people respectively, sometimes they can offer insight into how he learns. Which you can then use to teach him whatever you want. Then teach him that peeing all over the expert’s credentials is a positive goal so long as his actions are always respectful as well as his words. It’s what my mother taught me.

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