I see the general topic here is regarding IEP and legal issues. I could not find one that seemed more appropriate, so I’m hoping the placement of this question is in the appropriate place.
My S has 504 and also plays a school team sport. There are a couple of small accommodations we need to request in regards to the sports. Questions as follows:
1. Can this be addressed in the 504?
2. If so, then the second question is this: My preference would be to first try to get the accommodations we need informally with the coach as I would prefer to keep the 504 academically focused and thus resolve these relatively small issues without use of the 504. Then if that does not work and it appears we need to involve the 504 we would do so. I would like some input as to whether that is felt to be a reasonable plan.
Thank you.
What are you looking to add into the Section 504 plan?