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Is E.D. an L.D.?

Submitted by an LD OnLine user on

is emotional disturbance a learning disability that is recognized by colleges?

Submitted by Rosco P. Coltrane on Fri, 06/05/2009 - 1:52 PM


A significant emotional disturbance is considered to be an exclusionary factor when determining if a child has a learning disability.

Submitted by DRHD on Mon, 06/15/2009 - 1:20 AM


Scifi’s response to you is correct. Within the statutes, a child cannot be LD if there is an underlying emotional disturbance. As for a college to acknowledge the same disabilities that are applicable under IDEA within the public schools, no the colleges and universities have no obligation to do so. However, by the fact that your child has a documented disability within the public schools, colleges and universities have procedures and provisions afforded to students under two different statutes referred to As Section 504 and ADA. I suggest that you contact their Student Services division on the college campus and make know that your child may have a qualifying disability under these two statutes.


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