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Ethics/Academic/Athletic Violations

Submitted by an LD OnLine user on

SW Ohio
Low Income family
2 high school students. ADD/ADHD

Where to begin?

The school has involved multiple administrators at the district level, Intervention specialists at the school level, and the athletic department to intimidate and harass our family.

Current athletic director harassment investigation at the district level with a predictable outcome of no contact.

~Current IEP does not address children’s needs
~Current IEP drafted before MFE
~Parents provided non working date to meet for ETR/MFE/IEP all encompassing meeting. Parents were not able to attend, but provided alternative date and time. School pointy refused, and commented they would meet without the parents.
~Past Years IEP progress reports subjective with no measurable data.
~Past years IS teachers stating missed attendance as a result of poor performance, however attendance records do not indicate excessive tardy or absence.
~Past year case manager had meeting with our two sons without our knowledge, attempted to have our children not attend sectional wrestling tournament. Our lower cognitive son agreed with IS, not realizing he would loose his varsity letter standing. 2nd son was able to say no, and audio recorded meeting between IS, himself and brother. IS called me the parent lied on the phone and in an email regarding the meeting she held with our sons without our consent.
~Athletic director attempted numerous times to have both our children prevented from having access to school transportation to wrestling events.
~Athletic director after requested by me to not have contact with my sons, indicated he would continue to have contact with my sons having full knowledge that I did not approve.
~Math IS discussed my two sons with wrestling coach without our consent. Math IS informed us the parents that she had NO contact with wrestling coach. Upon informal investigation by superintendent, in fact the math IS had shared information with wrestling coach, but the language was changed by the super.
~Past case manager disregarded IEP goals and objectives that were not working.
~Past case manger stated that son would not do the objectives in the IEP progress report, but states that our son is well behaved, listens to authority, and has a good moral compass.
~Son is ranked in the .02 percentile with regards to coding. However the school does not feel any special services are required.
~”Making Progress” or “Made Progress” is what the school is passing off as measurable responses. It has been explained to us (audio recorded) that IEP results are either quantitative or qualitative, and providing a percentage response is not possible. However the goals are written in percentages.
~Request into investigation of ethics violation of case manger was requested, director of curriculum and superintendent refused.
~Request to have our sons removed from case managers custody and classroom pending an investigation was denied. Reason was: The case manager has been the case manager for three years.
~Request under freedom of information act a public record pertaining to wrestling season attendance. Public Records custodian for the school/treasurer could not produce the document. We had an original copy, public record copy should have been readily available.
~Request for a listing of public records available, told their is no way to inform my wife and I what public records are available, we have to know what we want.
~Request public records between two school members, public records custodian could not provide a listing. Their was no way to prove if we were seeing all the documents. When my wife and I confronted this issue with the custodian of records, his reply was he was unsure how to be accountable for the records in his care.
~Attempted to use parent mentor. Parent mentor confidentially placed the call on voice conferencing with unknown party. My wife and I discovered the situation when her purse coughed.
~Local director of SERC center designed to help parents refused to look at our IEP(s), informed us that the IEP(s) were in order. Moments after returning home, school principal called to recite the confidential meeting we had with the director of the SERC center.
~Parent mentor under contract with the state refused to provide my wife and I with a list of locations that parent mentor public meetings were being held.
~Principal of school stated that the district had no anti bullying, anti harassment policies. When brought to the attention of the school board, the principal went rogue and attempted to give children repeated detentions for not meeting the homework requirements that the regular ed students could perform in a night.
~IS did an unauthorized change in placement from regular ed classroom to 1-on-1 instruction without parental consent.
~Not being provided documentation until signatures were signed, and then provided documentation that would have changed the course of the meeting.
~ Regular education teacher failing our son in two classes until told to change grade by director of curriculum. Grade changed to A over night.
~Son refused to use cheat sheets for tests. Case manager informed son that it is not cheating. It is called “using your resources”
~When wife and I attempted to investigate grade padding and accommodation fluffing, the case manger put the boys on Honor roll. The purpose: If there is no issue, their is no need for a meeting.
~The list goes on.

With the magnitude of administrators, case managers, Intervention specialists, and teachers mixed up in these events, and having next to nothing in the way of income, we are not even sure how to address this issue with the state.

We have over 40 pounds of documented, organized paperwork, and hours of audio recordings. How does one tackle an issue of this magnitude?


[Modified by: SpecialNeedsLumberjack on September 16, 2012 04:55 PM]

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