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Following IEP'S

Submitted by an LD OnLine user on

Hi all, Newbie to this site. I have IEP issues at my son’s school. He is LD, to receive special ed room 20hrs a week. Which breaks down to his study hall, where teacher makes him do work from his other classes instead of reading and writing help that he is required to have. His class in general ed is to be modifided, long assignment times etc. Now my problem is that the school is not doing any of this. Teachers have either not seen his iep or just ignore it. I have talked to teachers to make sure I can pick up all of his work every week so it can be done and turned in. BUT that is not happening!!!! He is in 8th grade. I need some help please.

Submitted by Goodysbaby on Wed, 04/04/2007 - 5:23 PM


I would call a meeting with all his teachers being present to go over the IEP. You should be having a transitional IEP for him to head to high school. Request teachers that typically teach 9th grade english, math, science, etc., be invited to the transition IEP. The resource room teacher is responsible for making sure teachers receive a copy of the accommodations. With it being so late in the school year I would make copies and E-mail the teachers letting them know you want to drop a copy of his IEP to them on this date at this time if it is convenient. You are not requesting a Parent Teacher Conference you just want to make sure they are aware of his needs.

Write a letter to the special education supervisor with concerns. Good Luck!

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