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grammaticality judgement?

Submitted by an LD OnLine user on

Hi all,
My son was recently diagnosed with Asperger’s. His evaluation was done by a private psychologist. One of the tests that was given to him was the CASL - Comprehensive Assessment of Spoken Language. His 2 worse scores were in Pragmatics 32% and grammaticality judgement 42%. His other scores ranged from 77%-84%. Can someone please explain to me what the relatively poor score in grammaticality judgement might indicate? I am having him evaluated by the school district to assess any educational needs he might have and I just want to be sure this area gets looked at appropriately. Thanks for any help.

Submitted by scifinut on Wed, 11/12/2008 - 7:08 PM


Did the psychologist go over the scores with you? If not, you can request a meeting to go over all the scores and answer any questions you have.

Submitted by BNHPSY on Wed, 12/17/2008 - 3:10 AM


I would also suggest you make an appt. and discuss the scores with the psychologist. In terms of percentages, a percentage between 25 and 75 would be considered the Average range. You did not list the standard scores in your post, but standard scores between 90-110 would be considered Average. Sometimes, particular tests categorize scores between 85 and 115 as the average range.

[Modified by: BNHPSY on December 16, 2008 10:11 PM]

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