I was just researching the net about Dyscalculia - Math LD. Does anyone know how I can get a Texas school district to test specifically for this? Or are there resources outside of school whereby I can get my 12-year-old child tested? I truly believe she has a math LD but the school district only focuses on reading LD’s or speech issues. Any information would help.
IEP and Dyscalculia (Math LD)
So how much would this testing cost? I don’t see anyone jumping head over heals to do any such thing. School systems, insurance companies and other agancies, Frozen Molassas moves faster.
Make a request, in writing, to the school. If that fails, request an Independent Educational Evaluation at public expense. If you don’t want to go that route, you can pay for your own Neuropsych evaluation. A Neuropsych evaluation is going to be much more thorough than anything the school could offer.