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Newb here - need some advice

Submitted by an LD OnLine user on


Newb here but need some advice. My current job rotation is ending. My Agency will force me to rotate back to where we came from. My son (he will be eleven soon) has been diagnosed with Learning Disabilities as well as ADHD (Impulsivity). He has Resource Help at his current school, along with Sylvan Tutoring and Speech Therapy. We have him on a non-dairy diet, along with vitamin supplements. All of the above (including his teacher of the last two years and his Pediatrician) have stated that he should NOT return to south Texas (Cameron County is the POOREST county in the US), that all of the progress he has made since moving would be eradicated.

My question is thus, if they try and force me to move back, can I file a lawsuit (on my son’s behalf) to force them not to move us there, but to a climate (both intellectual and physical) that is beneficial to him? Would this be under the ADA?

One of the areas we are looking at is Washington State (near where I am currently stationed) as one of the posts has the resources available and a low (15 to 1) teacher student ratio.

Thanks for any and all help. I am trying to line everything up before this comes due in one month.

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