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Questions about IDEA 2004

Submitted by an LD OnLine user on


My daughter is failing her promotional requirements in school—specifically in reading and writing. I have been reading about IDEA 2004 and I have a question about it. It states that the IQ versus performance model should be thrown out.
1.Has this actually been done? Is it required by law or just a strong recommendation?
2. If it is required by law, are schools in every state required to follow this or can individual districts insist on eligibility for services only be based on IQ vs. performance?

Submitted by TKL on Sun, 10/22/2006 - 3:36 AM



As soon as you find the answer to this question, please inform the world. We are facing the same situation and are wondering what the law is for Texas. This whole IEP process is so frustrating! It helps to know that there are others out there with similar issues and questions.


Submitted by Drae on Wed, 11/01/2006 - 1:03 AM


I’m still looking for answers—someone has to know!!! I’ll be glad to pass it on if I find out.

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