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Spanish a Required Course?

Submitted by an LD OnLine user on

On a number of occasions I have asked my sons case manager, why does he need to take Spanish when he has such a difficult time reading English, her response is “because it is the state law”. My son is in 6th grade and is classified due to a severe discrepancy between his intellectual potential and academic achievement in reading and writing and has an IEP. Is this true, is it the law? I have attempted to look this up on the internet but have been unsuccessful. He needs back to basics reading not Spanish. He is frustrated and so am I.

Submitted by scifinut on Wed, 09/12/2007 - 1:09 PM


You should call the school district office and request a copy of the law stating that Spanish is required. You can also make a request from your state education department. Just to top that off, ask the case manager to produce a copy of the law. :)

Submitted by Goodysbaby on Tue, 09/18/2007 - 6:32 PM


I had a meeting with my son’s public school last week to discuss this. As stated in his psych eval he has a language disorder. Currently, he only needed the foreign language to graduate with highest honors.

After our meeting it was decided that he would take two years of social science to meet the requirement.

With the new state laws for the incoming freshmen, in Michigan they were still deciding how to handle this. I was told at the May State Board of Education meeting, they would have a decision. I too, could not find information regarding this.

Take care,

Submitted by Snerby on Sun, 10/21/2007 - 5:35 PM


I live in Michigan and I graduated in 06’ I never took any foreign language it was required to take two years i believe it was. They said I did not have to take it because I wasnt good in Reading or Wrting. They said since its documented that i have this disabilites then I am fine. I never had to take any other classes to meet the requirements.

Submitted by Mermaid on Fri, 11/30/2007 - 10:41 PM


This is something new. In the past, classified students weren’t required to take a foreign language to graduate; now only the most severely mentally disabled are exempt. I agree that students who struggle with English shouldn’t be forced to take a foreign language.
In our district, there is a Modified Spanish class. It is set up for special needs students, and has a lot less intense requirements. Hope this helps!

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