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What can I reasonably expect from the school?

Submitted by an LD OnLine user on

I’ll try to make this as brief as possible, but would appreciate any adivce as to what I can expect from the school or even better, what I should request.

My son was diagnosed by the school system as developmentally delayed and severely speech delayed at 3 years of age. He was in their Pre-K program (which he excelled at) and has been receiving speech therapy ever since.

Last year, he started kindergarten. A few months into it, I noticed that he wasn’t retaining much of what they were teaching. The teacher, guidance counselor, and others did not even realize that he knew none of his alphabet until I pointed it out (math was not a problem).

After more months of struggle and now with his speech therapist and teacher supporting me, I requested LD testing. The school was less than happy about accomodating, but finally did mid-way through the school year. He had a 13 pt discrepency, which was credited to the modified test they gave him due to his speech difficulties (normal IQ).

The teacher, Vice Principal, and LD Resource Coordinator all agreed that he definitely has an LD, but since he didn’t score low enough on the testing, there was little they could do for him last year. It was agreed that he should be promoted to 1st grade so that he would be eligible for services and in the meantime, his teacher made an extra effort to work one-on-one with him (and we continued to work hard with him at home). It was also agreed that his teacher would be hand-picked for him since he needed a very controlled environment to function at all.

First grade rolls around, first progress report comes out, and he’s doing poorly. I find out the teacher was not even made aware of any of the difficulties of last year, so I filled her in on what I could. I mentioned that they were going to retest in the fall, so she personally goes to the curriculum coordinator and requests the testing. It’s denied. At this time, we’re informed that they will not retest him for a full year, which will put him well into the 2nd half of the school year. *I* request, via email, the testing promised to us as well, only to find out that a meeting was held (I was not informed of it) and the speech pathologist was instructed to inform us that no further testing would be done until February.

Since I’ve felt for quite awhile that he may have CAPD, I located an independent testing facility and had him evaluated. I received the results today, and he does have some auditory processing issues.

Specifically, he showed a severe difficulty with Speech Recognition in Noise and also scored below normal limits for Phonemic Synthesis. The evaluator also noted short-term memory difficulties. I’m still working through the results and trying to understand them myself, but the two categories that he has difficulty with are Decoding and Tolerance-Fading Memory.

I would like to take these results back to the school and ask for some accomodations. I’m not sure what I can reasonably expect them to agree to (if anything) or what to even ask for. The audiologist did recommend an FM system, but warned that it will be difficult to get the school to agree. I personally would like for him to work one-on-one with a reading tutor in school, but I don’t know if that’s feasible based on these findings.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated as I would like to go into this meeting with my facts straight and confident with my requests. Thank you!

Submitted by 2x2Emom on Thu, 02/22/2007 - 11:17 PM


We had similar issues with our son. He has CAPD and this affected his expressive language ability. The school resisted us all the way and I am a firm believer in using an advocate to obtain assistance in these cases. From what I understand, early intervention is very important for language issues.

We also worked with Able Kids Foundation in Colorado. This is a spin off of the Center for Auditory Research. Our son wears a clear noise filter in one of his ears and has had dramatic improvement in his ability to hear amidst background noise. They also have a lot of resources to draw upon.

As for classroom accomodations - our son has the filter, preferential seating, verbal checks for understanding and speech/language therapy. He also uses an Alpha Smart for written output.

Best wishes.

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