Adhd: Do you have it or don’t ?
Many of us on these boards have ADHD and it’s associated symptoms, forgetfulness, time and space misjudgements, impulsitivity and etc…. I for one feel it is because this society today wants everything done fast… 1 min pizza. Email answers in the same day, advertisements which promise instant financing, instant this instant that. In 1900, the one room schoolhouse was prevelant…. The teacher taught perhaps eight grades all in one room. The slower learners and fast ones alike had personnal attention. Today it is npot the case: We have lost the personnal touch and our kids have suffered with this assembly line education. What do you think ?
Re: ADHD myth and reality
You must not have watched as an ADHD child tries with all he has to learn a spelling word sitting on a chair rocking back and forth, wiggling feet and hands and spelling it wrong time after time. My child has 4 adults at home to help him constantly and has alot of alone time with his teacher on top of one on one help with several retired teachers and college students while at school. He takes a pill and gets A’s (and a headache, no sleeping, no eating) doesn’t take a pill and gets at best C and alot of D and F. I am also ADHD and remember sitting in class trying so hard and watching everyone else around me “get it” and keep going and it sounding like a different lanage to me. It’s real and it’s so disheartonimg to hear someone say its not after the fight some of us go through to get through a day in our life.
I could not agree more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!