Can anyone tell me about the Key series from Key Curriculum Press (Key to Fractions, Decimals, Percents, Algebra)?
I have a 16 yr. old son (LD - NLD) with gaps in his learning in the above areas and would like a program he can go through on his own, with some help from parents/tutor as needed. This is to prepare him for a senior h.s. math course that he is only marginally ready for but determined to take.
Some questions, if you know of it/have used it:
1. Do the booklets contain placement tests/midpoint tests and end tests. (It is possible he will only need the 2nd half of the first 3 books.)
2) The company has a Key Tracker subscription with online tests and supplemental lessons that looks good - has anyone used this? (I am not sure if it is available to single users.)
3) Is it a series a kid could do independently with some supplementary tutoring?
4) What are your overall impressions of it?
P.S. I will also post on the teacher forum, but am hoping for some parent input.