Well Ball, There doesn’t seem much point in going on with this relationship. We never seem to be online at the same time anymore. By the time I get to this site, your posts are gone, we just aren’t in sync anymore. I only catch the tail end of someone elses posts mocking you, or an IM from the other members laughing at the latest depths you have sunk to.
I set out to call you out out of your cave and expose you and your made up research and falsified studies. You’ve made this so easy; your lack of class and the way you mispelled things. The way you thought our kids had ticks instead of tics (still my personal fav!), the old discredited studies where they gave rats 10X the meds we give our kids. Misinformation about tardive dyskinesia being caused by stimulants among many other incorrect medical info. adding in your classic sociopathic behviors was the creme de la creme. Had you actually been intellegnt and known what you were talking about or found a credible webstie to copy and paste from, you could have made this so much harder for me. Thank you, I want you to know I will always love you for that. Not only did I accomplish My Mission, but I’ve turned you into a crying dribbling twitching mess who can only spout curses and lies and copy posts from unknown websites written by “Anonymous”. Not only won’t I be reading your posts (I’m in large company according to the views of your posts) I am leaving you for better posts.
I am flattered by the amount of posts you write to me and the length of some of them, the amount of time and energy and love you put into writting them is obvious. But, for me to continue to read and reply would be only leading you on (besdies, I never really read them… :twisted:), the redundancy of my discrediting you is unnecessary and no longer needed. My mission is complete. I hope you find some cause where people will care what you say and you can find a way to say it with facts instead of lies. With research instead of fantasy. With kindness instead of hate. Most of all, I hope you never have children.