Can anyone explain what sort of things are uncovered by a neurological work-up? Are there different types of work-ups?
Will it tell me whether there is a processing problem? Will it tell what kind? The tests so far seem so vague. Everything could mean one thing or another. Help. Thanks in advance. Sheila
Re: Can anyone explain neurological testing?
check out the indepth section of this website; there should be several articles that describe various kinds of tests, what they measure, how to interpret, etc.
An awful lot depends on who’s doing the testing. I had a workup done. There were tests of visual processing and visual memory, auditory processing and auditory memory, tests to see how I organized information, tests on short and long term memory, that sort of thing. Of course I had a huge advantage in understanding the dang things because I work with this kind of stuff all day but that also meant the guy didn’t do the tests I would have been too familiar with. But if the tests seem vague, ask lots of questions. If the tester can’t make things clear, then you might want to talk to a different one. The report that person writes up probably won’t be clear either. MIne gave a lot of details with examples, and though there were one or two places where I thought the guy was off the mark (“this result in the “impaired” range means she’ll have trouble doing that kind of task,” except I don’t) I got a lot of good info from it and it helped make sense of having this great memory but being totally absent minded, depending on how the stuff was “remembered.”
KNow the vested interests of the tester. Sometimes testers working for a school system will know that certain conclusions are very frowned upon (like, ones that might cost money for services). They can find a suicidally depressed kid released from residential psychiatric care as simply having a reading disability because after all, if they found emotional problems they’d have to pay for the residential setting. Too bad there were guns at home.