We are moving to Colorado Springs and we are looking for recommendations on an LD friendly school district. Any suggestions???
We are moving to Colorado Springs and we are looking for recommendations on an LD friendly school district. Any suggestions???
Can’t really recommend one. You will hear that Academy Dist. 20 is the “desirable” district to live in. We bought a house in that dist. for the “resale value” because “good” schools do sell houses. It is less diverse than districts to the south, and probably has more money from taxes. They provided a great education for my “typical” student. The elementary school staff at myother child’s school wanted to blame everything on “problems at home” and actually refused to test her until I wrote a letter and cc’d the district sped. director and the school board. Don’t know how they treat LD kids because they refused to consider that she could be LD, though after we left she was identified and given services.