I have a child that has adhd with emphasis on impulsive and hyperactive. She is a very sweet child, wants to please and is for the most part, very social. My problem is her lying. She knows it is wrong but says she does it because she doesn’t want to get in trouble. She has lied to a teacher only once as far as I know. She constantly lies to me. I have tried different ways in dealing with this. It usually starts out as a discussion about lying and why it’s important to be truthful, up to restriction - from a couple of days to a couple of weeks. She also falls for absurd requests from other kids. Such as….while one child was a class monitor, he told my child to burp in a child’s face or he would put her name on the board, and she burped in the kid’s face….then got in trouble for burping in the child’s face.
Any suggestions or antidotes on this subject?