Hi all. My 6 1/2 year old son has always had problems with writing, and the OT at school has been trying to figure out how to help him. She doesn’t think he has a fine motor problem, and on her recommendation we took him to be evaluated for vision therapy, but the optometry clinic didn’t think he needs that either. It seems to be something in the visual-motor area - he can’t draw well, either.
I just found information on Lindamood Bell’s Drawing With Language program online, and it looks interesting - seems to address the area where he is having trouble. Has anyone here gone through the program, and if so did it work well for your child? Any other suggestions?
Re: Drawing With Language program
Thanks, Linda. I will go to the library tomorrow to get the Rosner book, and I’ll ask the school OT if she’s familiar with the Waldorf program.
I talked to one of the LMB experts and she thought that it would be perfect for my son. The problem was it was only available in California (maybe one or two other areas as well but not near me) when I called a few months ago. They were going to introduce it to more centers in the future.
My son has a big problem with visual/motor deficit. He also could not draw and had terrible handwriting. I was amazed the other day when I went to the school and could not figure out which was his paper on the bulletin board. I used to be able to pick it out in a second because his writing was so far behind the class.
My son’s OT did form drawing and motor planning with him and it made a huge impact. Someone on here recently mentioned The Waldorf Schools program for form drawing. I am not familar with it by my son’s OT is a Waldorf devotee so I am sure she uses something similar to their program. I went to visit our local Waldorf school and boy can those kids draw. I don’t know what else they do but they can all draw at the level of a highschooler in second grade.
There is a program for visual perception (different than what the vision therapist does) in a book by Jerome Rosner, “Helping Children Overcome Learning Difficulties.” After doing that program along with interactive metronome my son learned how to draw. He couldn’t draw a square when he was tested at the end of first and drew a very nice helicopter the other day. He is currently in third.