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Dyslexic, Dyscalculic, Gifted (2e) music producer speaks out

Submitted by an LD OnLine user on

Hello, my name is Allen Williams and I’m a music writer/producer who is Dyslexic, Dyscalculic, and Gifted (2e).
For a long time I have listen to people share information about learning differences (LD’s) and who have done extensive research, yet today many people in the regular public still don’t understand the basics of LD individuals. They hear the words “Learning Differences” and they automatically think (LOW IQ). That is shameful and sad. So, I began to say to myself that someone should show them what LD individuals are capable of doing. With that in mind, I set out to create a CD that would let people understand what LD means. I produced my own CD entitled “Creative Mind” through my company Diner-Mate Music. I wrote, performed, and produced the entire CD myself, as well as played keyboards and saxophone on the CD as a self-taught, non-music reading/writing individual. I’ve been blessed with this gift, but have had only two years of high school band and three years of elementary violin playing. None of that helped me because of my Dyslexia and Dyscalculia. My teachers used to get pretty upset with me because I couldn’t read the music but only could memorize it and play it correctly. Anyway,…This CD is instrumental, up tempo, dance, smooth jazz, classical, and techno music. On the inside cover is a little information about me but more importantly, the cover includes information about my three LD’s. My hope and belief is that if we (as concerned LD individuals) could purchase the CD from, we could get enough people buying it so that it will be in the top tier product category for the month of October, which is National Disabilities Employee Awareness Month. Once we do that, then people from around the globe will buy or listen to the CD, gaining information about LD individuals from the inside cover. Hopefully that will inspire others to step up and do the same. My total conclusion is that, “We can’t just tell them about LD gifts but, we must show them what we are able to do”. When it comes to LD musicians, we constantly hear about people who are long dead and long gone. We are in a modern day and we should introduce modern day individuals (who are living today) to our kids to help inspire them. Not just me, but all of those who you can find, who try to live a positive life for society with LD’s. Not just musicians but LD/Gifted individuals in all parts of life. Just like we have seen in the X-Men movies,…We are different,…YES,…but we must be who we are. If we don’t, then we will live our full lives in hiding and in darkness, not shining as bright as we could, nor displaying what has lovingly been placed within us for the good of society. To listen or purchase this CD, paste the following links in your browsers. Feel free to use the links in your classrooms as well if you like. Please share this information with others if you like.

Thank you very much for your time.

Allen Williams “Creative Mind” CD.

website is located at:

Paste to listen to song samples at:

Paste to purchase at

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