Hello. I am a researcher from Stanford University in Palo Alto, California. I am trying to reach dyslexic adults and children in the area who might be interested in participating in an fMRI study being conducted by Stanford’s Neuropsychology department. We are looking for adults between the ages of 18 and 35, with no other neurological disorders such as ADHD or epilepsy. We are also looking for children who will be starting in 3rd, 4th, or 5th grade this fall. Again, due to some restrictions in our study, we are looking for children with dyslexia, but no other neurological disorders such as ADD or ADHD. If anyone is interested in possibly participating or has any suggestions about how to reach possible participants, I would greatly appreciate an email to [email protected].
I would be happy to discuss the study in more detail and explain exactly what we are looking for and what is involved in participating. We do pay participants for their time and each MRI participant also receives a picture of their brain scan.