So the news from last Nov. begins to hit the media…
From the article:
“In its written concession statement, the government said the child had a pre-existing mitochondria disorder that was “aggravated” by her shots, resulting in an autism spectrum disorder (ASD) diagnosis.”
So we now have a causation affirmation which shows that despite what many have tried to assert over the last 10 years, thimerosal exposure in the pediatric vaccination schedule is indeed enough to cause regression into autism.
“Mitochondrial disorders are rare, affecting one in every 2,000 to 4,000 people, according to the United Mitochondrial Disease Foundation.
However, the number of children with autism affected by mitochondrial disorders is around one in five.”
So we now can say that it is more than possible and indeed somewhat likely that as many as 20% of autistic children born in the 90’s up to 2004 were indeed made autistic by an unnecessary component of vaccines. With the rate for autism determined in 2002 being 67/10,000, that means that 13.4 per 10,000 might not have been autistic had they not received the bolus exposures to thimerosal. With 4,000,000 live births each year, that means that roughly 5,300 children a year were significantly harmed through this callous neglect, for a total of about 80,000 individuals. These children will cost society at least $280B for lifetime care, all so that Pharma could save about $3 per shot, or a total of about $342M over the decade and a half.
“In about 10 percent of cases, genetics are a factor, said Dr. Harvey Singer, director of pediatric neurology at Hopkins Children’s Hospital in Baltimore City, but the rest remain a mystery.”
Well, that is certainly a far cry from the assertions by Offit, Gerberding, Grinker, Fombonne and others that autism is a genetic disorder…