My child was employed part-time and is a full-time high school student. She wrote about her disability (which was marked EEOC) on her application and was hired for a part-time job. This is a job through the Marketing program at school and she gets credit for the job. The schedule is penciled in and erased at the drop of a hat on a large calendar. In her IEP at school, it is noted that she cannot copy with 50% accuracy from the board, projector or other similar copying tasks. Despite knowing this, she has been fired from the job for not adhering to the schedule. Her marketing teacher wrote out the schedule for the entire month and I helped her transfer it to 3 different calendars. The marketing teacher “bothered” the employer and got my child fired. The schedule had been changed (in pencil again). Despite the fact that this employer has less than 15 employees, isn’t the school responsible for employment and being fired for a problem that they know that my child has? Her last evaluation at this job was a grade of 99 out of 100. By the way, my child has had a perfect employment record since the age of 12 (working summers at camp and other jobs).
Have you talked to the employer or the teacher involved to get a side of the story other than that of your child? (I know, from personal experience, that sometimes what my highschooler things occurred and what really happened can be different.) A conversation with the teacher and/or employer might help in figuring out an appropriate course of action. If you really think it is discrimination by the marketing teacher, then a discussion with your child’s counsler or IEP coordinator may be in order, and if that doesn’t help, then move on up to the school principal.
Good Luck!