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To "guest" re: thread about bullying

Submitted by an LD OnLine user on

I am replying to you in a separate thread so I can try to keep the thread with my (impromptu) poll on topic.

I asked my questions foremost to satisfy my own curiosity. I converse with a fair number of people each week (many in my town, many more online, occasionally somewone with some position of “authority”). I also read a fair number of reports and opinions from varions sources of varying degree of credibility. Some seem to indicate that bullying is a very pervasive and hugely detrimental problem, ingrained in the system and deliberately overlooked. Others will suggest that it is being greatly overblown and is not the danger as presented.

This board contains a fair scattering of persons across the US and Canada, so the system as a whole will be represented. There are also teachers who frequent this board as well as other professionals too, and I would also like their input.

I do not have any plans of using this as data for any projects (though of course I reserve the right to continue discussing the issue). Bear in mind that as an openly accessed board, anyone who takes the time to find us will be able to read it as well (so parents please! if you are looking towards upcoming legal action do not post any detail which might fuel the opposition and jeopardize your case).

Really, I have neiither nefarious or economic motivations in my polling. I get curious about things, and sometimes the best way to find out is simply to ask. I do want as many different individuals as possible to respond. I ask for diff names so that it is easier to keep all the individuals strait. I hate the “guest” feature…

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