My ten year old grandson who is dyslexic, recently moved from Texas to Northern California. He starts a new school in August, what can we expect from the school system and where can we find tutors? Also how do his parents help him on a day to day basis? He is being treated for ADD also but I would have thought the dyslexia would lead to ADD so needs to be treated aggressively which doesn’t seem to be happening. His behaviour is deteriorating which I think is pure frustration. Any advice?
Re: Help for grandson
Parents Helping Parents is a family resource center in Santa Clara that helps parents of sepcial needs children. The phone # is 408-727-5775. Ask to speak to someone in Family Resources. They have a web site on the left side bar under Techical Assistance click on Resourse Directory to seach for tutors. If the family is outside of the area Family Resouces can give you the phone # of a closer Parenting and Information Center.
Re: Help for grandson
If you go to schwab learning and mom to mom chat there are several moms, I believe, who are from the California area. You might find out some good info there.
couple of questions...
What makes you think your grandson is dyslexic and not ADD?
What do you mean by “being treated for ADD”?
In what manner is his behavior deteriorating, and how rapidly is it occuring?
Re: couple of questions...
He was diagnosed as dyslexic and ADD by a childrens psychologist. The only reason I question the ADD his attention span is great when doing anything but schoolwork! He is on medication for the ADD. I am trying to help long distance which is difficult! . He looses his temper very easily , argues, is disobedient and is very aggresive with his younger brother. Any advice will be greatly appreciated.
What type of evaluations has he received? How long ago were they? Possibly the new school district could re-evaluate him if it has been awhile since his last evaluation.
You can try calling the local school district and ask them to provide you with a name of tutors or go to the school you know he will be enrolled in.
Also, does he have an IEP. You can take that to the school and find out what they are going to do. I am not from California so I can not tell you how they work., I am from Massachusetts.
Does he just have ADD? My advocate once told me that all children with learning disabilities have ADD, it appears along side other disabilities. This may not be true for everyone but it was true in my family. Our school system told us that he had ADD when he actually had CAPD (central auditory processing disorder)
If you have evaluations and test names, you can post them here. There are many, many qualified parents, teachers, and therapist who post to this board who can tell you if you should be looking in other places!!