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help! need to interview a parent for my class

Submitted by an LD OnLine user on

Hi everyone! I’m a college student and I’m currently in the class Effective Teaching Strategies for Students With Disabilities. I have a project where I need to interview a parent who has a child with a disability. They are questions that ask you to briefly describe the disability and your childs interests, and there are a lot of questions about what accomodations your child recieves at school, what it’s like for them in school, how you assist your child with learning, communicating with the teachers, etc. Unfortunately, I don’t personally know anyone who can answer these interview questions for me. I’m hoping to find someone here who would be willing to help me out and share their story with me. I look forward to hearing someone’s response! Thank you!

Submitted by JuliaLarson on Tue, 03/29/2011 - 10:38 PM


Hi! I’m also looking for a parent for my class! Did you have any luck?
Also, would it be possible for me to see the questionnaire you are sending to parents?
PLEASE!?!? I am a grad school at FIU in Miami.
Let me know if you can help me out, please.
Julia Larson
[email protected]

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