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High School

Submitted by an LD OnLine user on

I am looking to talk with another parent of a High School student who has a reading and language disability. As my child soon will be leaving High School she will face the pressure of finding a job. Medical insurence is so impoprtant for her as she has a CHD and need’s to see her Cardiologist for the rest of her life to monitor her Heart. I am consearned as there are not many job out their any more that do not require further schooling . Do you know if any medical insurance is available for LD Adults with Learning Disabilities?

Submitted by Anonymous on Sun, 02/23/2003 - 3:50 AM


You might want to check what your state Department of Vocational Rehabilitation Services has to offer your daughter. Most individuals with a disability qualify for services since they have a condition that may make competitive employment more difficult. Voc Rehab can help evaluate what types of jobs might be appropriate and pay for specific training if that is the best route to go. I have worked extensively with Voc Rehab for individuals with brain injuries, and the counselors have always focused on helping clients get to where they want to go. I know there are some postings on this bb that are very negative towards Voc Rehab, but your tax dollars go to supporting this service and you may want to investigate it to help determine the next step for your daughter. Most insurance companies will cover an adult child as long as they are either a full time student or involved in a Voc Rehab training program.

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