“your child doesn’t qualify for this service because he is
“too bright” and is not failing”. This is a LD child who has an IEP
and Im looking for some add’l services.
im thinking ..act dumb and say Where does it say that in the
SPED law ?
Any thoughts ?
as you may lose services if they do an assessment and he tests out. You may want to do your own privately to see where he is. We had a student move into our school who had an IEP from a previous district. He had come with a full blown assessment battery a year ago; he was doing ok just not up to his potential…ADD was mentioned then but at that time he only qualified for articulation therapy.
So the parent comes into this new school and asks the speech and language team to do another assessment, guess what…this kid wasn’t doing so hot in the classroom but on the testing he didn’t show a language, or even an articulation impairment which had previously qualified him. He had a problem with attention, focusing, etc which had been observed in the classroom, in speech therapy, on the playground, etc…
She was disappointed because now he doesn’t get any services. Now, his mom has to go to a Dr. to get a diagnosis so he can have a 504 plan.