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how many hours can a school teach a child who is home?

Submitted by an LD OnLine user on

My child will not be able to attend school for about 3 weeks. I asked the school if they can provide a teacher to come to our home . I was told that they would come. They said it would be twice a week for one and a half hours each day for a total of 3 hours a week.

I don’t think that this is enough time. Are they required to give more?
My son is 10 and we live in NY state


Submitted by victoria on Sat, 02/05/2005 - 3:03 AM


This is actually more home time than many districts offer; I have heard of one hour a week, or none. It isn’t ideal, but there are real-life budget limits — five home teachers to give everyone a daily visit would mean five fewer teachers in classrooms.
Basically you are going to be home educating your child and the teacher is just going to be checking in. Or, of course, if the child is really ill and can’t do much work, three weeks usually makes no diference in the long run. (Just make sure no fundamental math concepts are missed because math is cumulative.)

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