Someone was kind enough to share a tracking exercise that involved going through text with a highlighter and circling the ‘e’s. My son couldn’t stand doing this. I think it is just very difficult for him.
I typed up a sheet of nonsense text with some ‘e’s. I then increased the font to 20. I will start with this size font and decrease the size as he improves.
I thought this idea might help someone else who is doing this.
Re: I came up with a new slant on the circle e.
Great idea Linda!
I just recommended this to a friend of mine who teaches reading intervention and I plan to print up some pages for my son too.
By the way, a good exercise for focusing (just in case you need to work on that with your son) is to have him read a line from a book, look up at large words printed on a page about 6’ away and read a line of that, go back to reading a line on a book, then to the page and so on…gruadually increasing speed.
There’s another version of this called the “couch potato” where one needs to take turns between reading a line out of a book and then reading one off the T.V. when it’s tuned to a station with continuous text.
This is basically what I have (except lots of letters) in some books called Visual Tracking. It is from, if you’d rather have some ready made stuff. Starts out with bigger font and gets smaller.
My son last year read noticeably better with larger font. The difference seems to have disappeared this year.