Both the my son’s VT and the head VT said they would not hurt and would most likely help anyone. She said, “Do them with the whole family.”
The newest set of exercises are as follows.
He received a ball like the size of a racquetball with a string. I have to draw letters on the ball. I then suspend the ball from the ceiling. I am using a door way. He has to lie on the floor with his nose under the ball. The ball is sent in a back and forth pattern around in circles etc and he must track it with his eyes.
The second exercise involves using a sheet of paper on the wall with letters at about size 30 font. Then he holds a card with letters at about size 18 font. He then says the first letter on the card and then says the first letter on the wall going accross from left to right. He tends to look at both and say them together which is a no no.
The third exercise is the same as last week. He has to practice following a pen light or a pen with his eyes.
All of the above exercises are done separately for each eye using a patch. Then the exercise is done using both eyes. When doing the standing exercises he must stand straight hands by his side, not talking or chewing. He has to maintain focus. It is better that he focus for short periods of time than to do the exercises longer with less focus.
We are supposed to do 20 minutes a day and I have been breaking this up.