I have a son he is receiving services under SLD but still is not quite like the other students.His psychartist now has taken away his ADHD dx and replaced it with PDD.What exactly is a PDD and will this change things in school.He behaves at school but keeps busy all day just tring to complete all his work with modifications.His doctor said he really dont fit the Aspregers because he has speech problems with articualtion and no one could understand him at 2 years old.he is 10 years old and having a rough time in school he knows the work but has troble sounding out words and cant get his thoughts on paper correctly.
Re: IEP and dxs
he has been identified at school with SLD last year.This year he gets OT services for fine motor and sensory issues.His sp. ed teacher is the one who said if the dr. does find him having Aspergers or autisic disorder that it would change his category.Does Ohio recognize PDD since his speech keeps him from getting the dx of Aspergers and he is too social for autistic dx completely.
Re: IEP and dxs
I don’t know if I can adequately answer your questions, but the label shouldn’t matter as far as services goes. What matters is that he qualifies. Autistic dx’s are based on the age of onset, and I’m not sure what you mean by too social. My son is social, but his SOCIAL SKILLS are another story. If my son were to be judged now on whether or not he has autism, people may say he doesn’t have it. But if you look at what he was like very young, then you would see it. Just because he has made a lot of growth and progress, doesn’t change his biology. I don’t know your son at all, so I can’t really even give much of my personal opinion. I just gave some suggestions based on what your message said. Getting in touch with your area’s Parent Information Center may be quite helpful as far as school and IEP’s go. Go to www.taalliance.org to find a one in your area.
Re: IEP and dxs
Tammy what you say about your son is true for my soon to be 10 year old son also. He seemed severe austic when he was younger; now people just see him as “odd”, and can’t believe it when I tell them his dx is on the autism spectrum. He has made tremendous progress over the years. He started receiving services at 23 months and has really come a long way. He still has poor eye contact, difficulties with converstations, and a host of other difficulties, just not as severe as when he was younger. I think it goes to show what early intervention can do.
Re: IEP and dxs
My son really has weak social skills and did not speak to anyone but me till age 5 and still wont talk to anyone he dont know.He is finally talking to his teacher this year other than info he has to give her.Before he usally just shook his head and pointed.His speech is still full of mistakes articually.Really before all we ever asked for was speech therapy.It wasnt till his behavior started to really stand out.He dont like to associate with others his age unless he approaches them with something that he is interested in he goes ballistic if they approach him with something he has no interest in.His main playmate is his youngest sister who is 4 he really dont associate with his sisters that are 8 and 7 and never did.He stays by himself at school and watches others and parrell play.His pervious teacher thought this was due to his speech problems and his shyness and him knowing so much infomationI have been told his IQ is around 150 but he cant read on level or write legiblly.He is very stcuk in his ways and flips out when change is involved.I have always been one step ahead of him and planned everything out so we dont distrup his routine and when it has happened he has regressed backwards.I guess we have always know he wasnt quite normal compared to his sibilings but did not want to face it and as he gotten older it is hard to make more excuses for him.The school is the one he has always went to since preschool and speech services since he was 3 and they have always just went with how things were.Last year they did suggest we see a psychartist for his anxiety and thought he was ADHD.Actually I have gotten out his evaluations from years before and they have always described him having all the characteriscis of Autism but never said it in those words.But as his teacher said this year that is a medical dx and the school cant make those dx only drs. can.
Re: IEP and dxs
We had the dx of hyperlexia (although it’s not in the DSM) but when my son was coded for school in the first grade (no previous schooling or daycare) they were going to code him S/L impaired, but we disagreed. We wanted a diagnoses that fit better so that if “issues” came up, people would have a better understanding than what they would have just looking at a speech diagnosis. Because we had the diagnosis in writing, they agreed. Regardless, it sounds to me your son does indeed fall on the spectrum. I urge you to start going through the sites I posted for you and glean information from them. If you find things particularly relevant that you would like the school to do, print it out and bring it to a team meeting. You can call for one at any time. I have done this in the past. I’ve printed out info on “social autopsies” and had it added to my son’s IEP. The great thing is, the teacher really liked the info and has used it with the regular class too. I’m not sure what else to tell you except you may really want to bring your son to a pediatric neurologist who knows a lot about autism spectrum disorders and can help you. Just as I’m concerned for my own son about school, I am very concerned about yours. I hope you get the help you and your son need. Also, about the websites, you may want to print out information you find useful for yourself and keep it in a binder for reference.
Re: IEP and dxs
Thank you I am checking all those websites out reading them all and printing them out .Taking it all in slowly.
Then today after his teachers have been suppoted of this dx.One knows some about it has a neice that is dx HFA.Well the school psy doesnt agree with the dx and dont want to offer anymor help than my son is getting now but said if I get another opinion he would consider this dx.his was our 2nd pdoc to say this dx in a years time.he even said who i should take myu son to and his opinions of the other 2 in the 3 hour radius and said they suggest the school do things that cause the school to go into a frenzy and really talked them down the thing is the one he wants me to see the wait is 10 months and to me that is along time that my son still has to suffer.He also dont agree on the meds my sonis one and the dosage .I flat out said to him you dont have to live with him and have 3 other children to watch out for to .We have tried several differnt meds and this too went in to consideration when his drs came t this dx all his differnt adverse reactions.and differnty dx.ADHD,ADD,OCD,Tourettes,LD,ODD,and possibly bipolar,anxiety disorder.He did his screening and he said it said there was only a 10 maybe 20 % that my son has a PDD.He said that my son is too social and well liked by other to be PDD he also said he is too high functioning.He feels it is his Tourettes,and possibly OCD causing all his problems but said last week his with drawn lok and attitude at school was just his problems he has and he most likel;y will have more episodes like that when he is fustrated in school.sorry i am going on about this I am just confused and thought we were somewhere with what is differnt about my son.
Re: IEP and dxs
Every dr. has their own opinion, especially when it comes to certain behaviors and diagnosing disorders. Different docs can give the same kid different diagnoses. I’m having a little difficulty understanding your messages, but I think I pretty much get the gist. I think some people get the wrong idea about how unsociable a kid has to be to fit the dx. What does your instinct tell you about your son? If you feel he fits the criteria for autism or pdd, then go with it, even if the school doesn’t listen as far as treatment goes. They might not label him that way, but that doesn’t mean he can’t get appropriate intervention. Also, I think if you really want to get another opinion, I’d do it independently from the school and docs. Don’t ask for referrals on who to see. Do some research on the qualifications of the pediatric neurologists near you. You have to decide how far you are willing to travel to find one that you are comfortable with and who’s opinion you would value, regardless of dx. Have your read the DSM-IV on autism and pdd? What do YOU think? Think back to how your son was as a toddler, and how his behavior/personailty/what-have-you has been over the years.
Re: IEP and dxs
Thank you I was just upset yesterday.We have been through a lot with our son.His teachers see this in him too and dont know why the schhol psy is acting like this they say he dont know my son.They just want him to get the services he deserves and they say with the other dx he can .His sp. ed and last 2 teachers want him to have a aide for reading someone to sit by him when he has to read things on his own so they can make sure he reads things correctly because if you arent right with him he doesnt and makes many mistakes.Now ths is 2 teachers saying this in 2 different years.Math he is way above average but cant do word problems.His teachers feel he dont need in the resource room but needs other accomindations to keep up in the reg room but the school psy is not with this and his boss is more useless than he is.His name is on every IEP I have had for 3 of my children and thats a lot and I see his signiture but have never met him and actually I ahve been asked by other parents who this guy is.
Yes our son meets all the critear in the DSM but the school psy says no but 2 docs and a psychologist says yes and we do to.My husband says its Lawyer time
PDD stands for pervasive developmental disorder. PDD in itself is not a diagnosis. It is the heading that Asperger’s and autism fall under as well as PDD-NOS (not otherwise specified). It’s sort of a catch-all category when a person doesn’t fit all of the criteria for Asperger’s or autism. You can usually find info about PDD under autism sites. I think if your son is 10 and is still having reading difficulty, he may have an additional learning disability. Here are some sites to check out:
http://www.autism.org//pdd.html (this is one dr.’s opinion about the diagnosis of PDD)
I would suggest getting a complete independent evaluation from reputable speech/language pathologist and occupational therapist who has extensive knowledge about sensory integration dysfunction. ( I don’t know anything about your son, but I’ve heard of Sensory Integration Dysfunction being misdiagnosed as ADHD). This website might give you a little insight into it: http://www.and.ca/sendys.html (it also has a checklist of symptoms)
I hope I have helped in some way. I’m not a professional. I am a parent of a 9 y/o hyperlexic boy (a syndrome on the autism spectrum) and a 5 y/o girl, both with articulation problems.