I went to the Im website and found a provider in my area
Are there going to any differences between providers?
Can I do this program at home? How long does therapy take?
WOuld love to hear if the program helped others with
writing, math and concnetration.
Thank you for reading.
Re: IM Question?
There are home kits available for IM now, but I don’t know if they are available if there is a provider in your area. It would be less expensive to do the program at home, but it’s a lot easier to go through a provider. To do it at home, you have to realize up front that it is going to take quite a bit of your time and energy, and you have to have a cooperative child. The program by its very nature has to be somewhat tedious and boring, so it requires self-discipline to see it through. (The benefits make it worthwhile, but the benefits are usually not seen until the end!)
Re: IM Question?
We did IM when my son was nine with considerable success. My son’s handwriting improved greatly—or probably more accurately his ability to sustain it. We found out that motor issues were one piece of his inability to write a coherent paragraph. After IM he did a five paragraph essay in his fourth grade class, and both I and his resource teacher were shocked at the difference. It was like he had absorbed the writing instruction but had been unable to implement it.
We also saw big differences in concentration, although he still has issues.
Before hand, we were going to do a trial of medication. Afterwards, none of his teacher saw the need. As we have remediated his LDs, I do see the ADD more clearly but it is, for now anyway, manageable.
IM helps sequencing which is one cause of math difficulties. I did see a difference here also.
We’re done tons of home based therapy but IM is one thing I am glad we did through a provider. It is rather boring frankly and I think the positive context and competition she set up was critical to our success.
I would call around and ask about experience, as I think with any therapy experience is helpful to efficient implementation. The IM provider plays the role of “cheerleader” for the child, so it’s also very important that the provider by upbeat and that the child respond well to the provider. IM is work, and a child will work harder and better for someone he/she likes.
The research supports improvement in attention skills from IM. I put myself through the program and, even though I have no deficits (known to me, at least!), I found that it helped my ability to play the piano — improved motor planning and timing. Several parents have commented on improved handwriting from IM, but that probably depends on what is causing the handwriting difficulty to start with. If it’s a motor planning problem, then IM is likely to help. Honestly haven’t heard anything about improvements in math from IM.