If I do not agree or like the education performance tests the school administered, what would I ask for in requesting an idependent evaluation?
My son will be 9 in August and entering the 3rd grade. They evaluated him a year ago with the Woodcock-Johnson III Tests of Achievement (form B), Kaufman Test of Educational Achievement*Brief form (untimed), Brigance Diagnostic Inventory of Basic Skills.
Re: independent education assessment
My child tests above average intelligence and at and above grade level on performance tests, yet he struggles miserably in school. He hates to read, struggles to read words correctly, phonics is a problem, just an ongoing nightmare and frustration. he is incredible with computation and math, yet scores grade level on performance tests, and cannot get work done at all in the class or at home. He can do it in his head but cannot get it onto paper. Testing does not show any problems yet he is frustrated and struggling and actually has a list of modifications, but still has difficulty completing work. When he dictates answers to me for any of the work, the work is actually too easy for him. He is diagnosed with Aspergers.
Re: independent education assessment
I don’t know what to tell you except that it’s not at all uncommon for Aspergers and NLD kids. My NLD son is also very intelligent, scores very high in standardized testing, and is at or above grade level in all academic areas. Still, with his extremely slow processing speed, (which gets markedly worse under pressure) and problems with written expresion, he needs help on a daily basis in the classroom.
He is on an IEP, but we’ve seen that even with the IEP in place, his success or failure is very much dependent on the emotional climate in the classroom, and the organizational skills of the teaching staff.
Re: independent education assessment
From where did you receive the Asperger’s dx? He must have had some type of psychological testing for this to be given. There are some rather specific learning disabilities and behaviors associated with this disorder and I believe he would have some rights under the law. It sounds as if you are asking for services re: school performance but the school is looking for a way not to provide them. There are quite a few previous postings on this board that deal with a child’s rights and how you as a parent can take the appropriate steps to insure that your child gets whatever he needs to help him succeed.
I believe the postings were under “teaching a child with LD or ADHD”
Re: independent education assessment
I think you meant this for KB… I’m the one with the NLD kid(s). Neither has been dx’d with Aspergers.
Most “private” evaluations will include the Woodcock-Johnson as well as the WISC and perhaps some others depending on the individual. The Brigance is an older test but reliable from my experience.
What displeases you about your child’s testing? It is often not the tests themselves but the interpretation of them which causes controversy. Could you enlighten us?