My son started IM on Monday. I expected the same type of reaction your son had ornery, hyper, difficult.
At first he was just wiped out. He had to take a seat while I ordered the bagels at the bagel shop after IM. You would have thought he ran a marathon.
Then, today, it happened. After his second session of IM he came back difficult, talking back, a little hyper.
I also found it difficult to watch. I was bored, but also, I don’t know, I was a little fidgety. My husband was tested and bragged that he scored a 24 only 4 points above Dan Marino’s initial score. She said he would test in the single digits if he did it.
I called him an Interactive Metronome stud.
Thanks! Mothers of puzzle kids doing IM unite.
We just got back from a vacation that was awesome because the kids went to camp all day.
The relevant thing about it is that my son’s age group was allowed to ride their bikes to and from camp alone. We were hesitant to say the least, but gave it a shot, and he did a great job. didn’t get lost, took good care of himself and didn’t lose anything. He looked , well, normal, like the other 8 year olds.
We start back with IM tomorrow. Wish me luck.