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Major Cable Network Doc on Children w/Learning DIfferences

Submitted by an LD OnLine user on

We are an Emmy-winning team, working on a documentary on children with learning differences. The film will be about children, for children, and by children. We were wondering whether or not anyone in the forum might be able to help us.
First, a bit about our film:
Our goals are:

To create an empowering film, both for those who participate as well as those who watch
To clarify what LDs ARE (dyslexia, dysgraphia, dyscaculia, NVLD, auditory processing/expressive language issues)
To shatter myths and establish that people with LDs can be brilliant and talented people who simply learn differently
To make a film about children, BY children, FOR Children that will share, teach, and explain what it is like to live with an LD whether you are getting the help you need or at the other end of the spectrum, still struggling.
To show what children with LDs CAN do, not simply what they cannot

WE need help though:

We have already found many wonderful gifted children with a variety of LDs. What we’ve realized is that in order to fully explain and give an accurate picture of living with an LD, we also need the voice/s of a child or two who are still struggling and who can and are willing to talk about it. THE ONLY TWO LDs WE HAVE NOT FOUND A CHILD WHO CAN SERVE AS THE “SPOKESPERSON” FoR ARE: DYSCALCULIA AND AUDITORY PROCESSING DISORDER. I know this is not an easy thing, we’re asking and we really appreciate how difficult it may be. So, you ask, why would your child want to do it?
We hope, to try to help other kids who are struggling and suffering so they’ll know they are not alone; and to empower themselves.

We are looking for expressive, self-aware children in the US, with these issues, ages 7-12 who have passions or a talent beyond their LD so we can talk both about what they can as well as cannot do. We must speak with a parent and no child may participate without WRITTEN PARENTAL PERMISSION

If you would like more information or have a child who you feel might fit our criteria and wish to participate, please contact us at [email protected]

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