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money math problems

Submitted by an LD OnLine user on

Does anyone have a suggestion of a website for money math problems? Preferably for working with and learning about canadian money? It is a very tough concept for my son to grasp. Any input would be helpful, thanks

Submitted by Anonymous on Thu, 03/06/2003 - 1:38 AM


Funny—what really helped us here was when my son went to a school where you could buy your lunch!!!

I don’t know of any websites, but I think setting up a shop at home is a great idea. We did this with my daughter when she was 5 1/2 (homework). She would arrange a few toys or sweets, put a pricetag on them and I would come to the shop and buy them. We started very easy with 2 and 3 cent items and moved up to nickel and dime items. When she understood that a dime was equal to 10 pennies, or 2 nickels, etc she would have to make change. Eventually, you move up to quarters and dollars (keeping the computation pretty easy so the concept gets in). I don’t know how old your child is….he might think this is babyish. But my daughter still loves to do it at 61/2 (still young!!).

I have baggies filled with pennies, nickels, dimes and quarters. Every now and then I get them out. They have really helped her understand this very abstract concept.


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