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my 5 year old

Submitted by an LD OnLine user on

hi this is polly

i haven’t been here in quite a while well i hav a five year old that the techer failed to refer for services. teacher waited until june to talk retention, well this is a long story i have since then transfered my children to another school district. no not because she referred her for retention. but for so many other reasons and issues, from this school. well her we are in the new school i have had a speech and language eval done outside the school. what do i do next, share this with the new school or get more testing done ? someone mentioned to me oncethe kluge eval, no one has heard of this eval.

i don’t wantto dragthis out any longer for her sake. already the teacher mentined nothing until last june before school ended, that left us running aroung looking for doctors, until one that was so booked up took pity on us and took her, after we explained the whole mess.

i also just read some information her on the board about idea that all schools must offer special education services to eligible 3-5 years olds with disabilities. no it has not been diagnosedthat she has a disability. she is a late birthday. the slp we took her tothinks that posibly she is just not mature enough and needs some growing. advise please i can be reached at the email address, just email away i need help with this.

to [email protected]

Submitted by Anonymous on Wed, 09/19/2001 - 9:13 AM


My children have been in special ed since 3 yrs of age 3 of them in all different school districts, when you set up your IEP meeting(if you’ve gotten that far) make them bring a psychologist to the meeting and he/she has a list of test that can be done, if those test is not enough for you ask for an independent evaluation.You can fight the system to get what is best for you there is all kinds of services that are there, and most of the time they don’t offer them you have to make them give them to you. Keep looking around and getting more info and go in there prepared because I stood by for years and listened to them and didn’t know what was right for my kids and I am just learning and if I would have only knew when they first began. Good Luck!

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