Hello, my name is Charina Miranda and I am the mother with an 8 year old who has a non-verbal language disability. Her disability was detected when she was 3. However, it has been a struggle getting the right services for my daughter. Right now she is in her second year in special-ed and her services are lacking. I been in a battle with the New York City Board of Education for the past 4 years trying to get her the services she desparately needs. She has made remarkable progress, up until 2 years ago, she could not be understood; didn’t know her ABC’s; and could not read. She hated school and it was wasted years. She has difficulity with understanding the concept of money and reading comprehension. She is a strong speller but cannot get her thoughts together.
I recently contracted a parent-advocate to assist me, but the wheels turn really slow. My intention is to enroll my daughter into a school that deals specifically with language disabilities. But they are too few and far in-between. And the ones that are out there are very competitive and there is a waiting list. The parent advocate that observed my daughter in class was very hopeful and advised me that once she is placed in the right school, she will be fine. However, one week my hopes are high, and like right now, I feel so low that there is no light at the end of the tunnel. She has problems interacting socially, and very low self-esteem. When she is reprimanded she calls herself “stupid” and that “no one likes her”. My daughter is a lovely, sweet and special girl who needs a chance I want my child to have as normal as life as she could possibily have, but it is so hard to see it coming to furition.
In the meanwhile, until she finds placement what can I do to ensure that she gets something out of this school year? She needs to be put into a special school now. But since it is very competitive, suppliment her services that mirror the type of therapy that she would receive if she was in a language based school. Is this possible? Since the school she is currently in cannot provide these types of services? The speech therapist at her school is not qualified to deal with this specific disability that my daughter has.
I am desperate and frustrated and so tired. My mind is like cotton and I am at the end of my rope.
Thank you