New to this board, but was hoping that there were some resources for any Canadian’s here. I have searched for Canadian Discussion boards for kids with LD and have come up empty. I have an 8 yr old son, he has been in speech therapy since he was 2.5, and diagnosed with Apraxia, By kindergarten, I new there was something different with him so I put him in a special school for kids with Speech difficulties. By grade one, he was in a regular school yet in a “Connections” class with only 11 kids, one teacher, teachers aid, speech therapist once a week and O.T once a week. But he was still not learning at the regular rate. The school brought in C.O.P.E., a board of Pediatricians to view him. He was then diagnosed with ADD. We tried the medication and it did amazing work on his attention. But….he was still not retaining the information. A Psychologist was brought in to do the WISC III on him. The report showed him at a very very severe delay on all tests and subtests. His overall score was 64. He was in the 1 percentile with almost all the tests. I can’t explain how much this effected me. I didn’t really know what the score meant. IN the report it did not say anything about “Learning disability” but mild/moderate cognitive disability. I am not sure what the difference really is? So, now he is in grade two, regular school but still in the “Connections Class”. I am searching high and low for a good private school for him. He has been going to Sylvan Learning centre for a year now, and I have seen very little progress, and I have just recently pulled him out and trying to find a specialized tutor to come to the house. He tries so hard….he has a very kind disposition. I am lost. I have searched high and low on how to teach him. It is so frustrating not able to help him learn. I am not looking for a cure of course, just support. I am new at researching information. So, any information I can find to help would be great. I am also sending him to the Eckert Centre here in Calgary Alberta for more testing. They use PACE and Master the Code. Has anyone heard of this and what kind of response was there?
I have heard so much about Lindamood Bell in the US, but there is nothing like that this in Canada, from what I can find anyway…..Any suggestions?
Re: New here - Can anyone help me?
Cognitive disability is different from a learning disability. With a learning disability, well, the very nature of an LD, is that there is a wide gap between IQ and actual achievement. The child “is smart” often gifted, but they have trouble learning and their achievment scores don’t make sense when you look at their IQ scores.
A cognitive disability means the IQ is low. So if you have a low IQ, you would expect to see low achievement. If the IQ is 70 then you would expect to see achievement scores around the number. I think below 80 is actual consider “mentally retarded” range and the child is either considered MR or “slow learner.” Being a slow learner (below average intelligence) is not the same thing as having an LD (average or higher intelligence).
The waters get muddy because you will meet moms who tell of their “smart” kids who, when tested, show a low IQ. That may, in fact, be an LD of some kind. There are IQ tests that can be given that do not require the ability to read or write. That might help clear things up. Or a retest might show different results.
I hate to say this, but once a child is identified as having a low IQ, being a slow learner, there is often no help, or little help for them in the schools. They sort of fall through the cracks. Why spend a bunch of $$$ on a child whose tests results indicate little potential? I don’t know what to make of that. I’m just telling you of what I’ve heard from moms with kids of IQs below 80.
Re: New here - Can anyone help me?
Sorry for posting twice on the boards, I just did not know which area to post and where I would get answers. So, yes I received your replies and thank you for that.
But I have to say, MY SON IS NOT METALLY RETARDED. He is a bright boy. He amazes me sometimes with the things he says and does. He can learn, he just needs someone who can help him find his way to learn.
Do you think that I should be getting another test done for him. We are going to to The Eckert Center, which they will have a meeting with the parents first, and if we decide, then we will send our son there to get more testing done. The Psch. that did the WISC III test last year, was not a Child Pshycologist, and I think I really need to find somone who specilazes with children…am I wrong? SHould I be looking for more answers or just dealing with what have now?
Finding services in Canada
Finding services in Canada isn’t as easy as it is in the States, but Alberta has a better track record than many other provinces. Don’t panic over the results of the IQ test. IQ’s can change, especially if you provide remediation such as PACE and work on areas yourself such as general knowledge and vocabulary. (To give you hope, I can tell you that my son’s IQ percentile went up 16 points over his 1st testing 2.5 years ago)
I have used Lindamood Bell’s LIPS program with my son, there are no Lindamood Bell centers here in Canda, but a qualified tutor can purchase and use their manual and achieve good results. My son also went through the home version of Pace called Brainskills, you can purchase it on line . It is best to hire a tutor to do the program with your son as it requires a lot of discipline and attention. You could also consider doing the PACE program at the tutoring center that you mentioned. I am now looking into Computer Software for Coginitive Rehabilitation available from Psychological Software Services (do a google search under that name on the web). My Psychologist suggested it this week, but I haven’t had time to investigate it. I am also looking into the Dore Method which are exercises for balance which is an issue with my child. There are many programs out there, the problem is to match the right program with the child’s needs. What works well with one child may give no results with another. For example, I tried Fastforword with another of my children and got good results. My son did the same program and showed no results with it. It is important that the Psychologist spend some time with you to help you understand the results of the testing so that you can match the right programs with his needs.
Most important of all, you must educate yourself so that you will know the right questions to ask and know if you are getting good advice or not. Sadly, many professionals in this quickly moving field are often ten or twenty years out of date. Try reading Overcoming Dyslexia a New and Complete Science-based Program for Reading Problems at Any Level by Sally Shaywitz MD and Learning Disablilities A to Z A Parent’s Guide to Learning Disabilities by Corinne Smith and Lisa Strick. Try to get a hold of Rick Lavoie’s videos, they are excellent. Join your local chapter of the Learning Disabilities Association, you can attend lectures, meet other parents to share info and vent when needed. Take parenting courses for parents of learning disabled children.
Keep positive and proactive, when I received my oldests child’s scores and academic test results, I cried for days. Now, 3 years later, I am just back from the end of year Awards Ceremony, that same kid who was 3 years behind leaving elementary school is an honor’s student with an 85% average. It hasn’t been easy or cheap, but it was worth it.
Visit this board often, you can get some good information.
Re: New here - Can anyone help me?
Canadian Friend,
Wow, thank you so much for all your information. And THANK YOU for your encouragement.
I have spoken to a child psychologist, her centre that helps kids with LD, Cognitive disabilities, uses PACE, but after our 2 hour meeting, she has suggested that my son would probably benefit from the LIPS program or Visualizing/Verbalizing. Her Centre does use pace but she has a few educational specialists that are experienced with the Lindamood Bell, and she thinks starting my son with that would be much more benificial.
Next week we are to meet with the Reading Foundation here in Calgary, and from what I have read, for 7 years they used Lindamood Bell, but found that a lot of the students needed their programs redesigned, so now they are using Phono-graphix. Like you said, I just need to find the right program, and research and read, and talk to more people like you! I guess my only contimplation is …which centre to use. The Reading Foundation is 4 hours a day, and want to see the kids for at least 80 hours. (there goes the summer for him), or to send him 4 hours a week to the Eckert Centre. Or, bring in a home tutor from Renfrew Educational centre. I had asked Renfrew about their programs they use, and she said they use V/V. AHhhhh, what to do????
As for re-testing him, a very close friend of mine, who is finishing up her Masters in Psychology, suggested the same thing. I should get him re-tested. I am thinking that I would like to get him retested after I implement a program for him with a private tutor, and wait to see some results after a few months. I guess I just don’t want to be disappointed.
Thank you once again Canadian Friend.
[quote=”Anonymous”]New to this board, but was hoping that there were some resources for any Canadian’s here. …..Any suggestions?[/quote]
I posted my reply to your post in the “Teaching a Child with LD” thread.