Hello Fellow Parents
I am new to this forum. Neither of my children are medicated. Both of my children have IEP’s but for different reasons. My son is in 8th grade and has ADD. My daughter is in 4th and is a Gifted VSL (although the school refuses to recognize her as such) the school labeled her ADD. I live in Fairfax County VA and fighting the schools here feels like a downhill battle. Jake excels in computers and received a teacher recommendation to take an advanced class. He also had a 3.0 gpa in 7th grade. I’m frustrated because the school only offers that class during his Basic Skills time period. From what I understand children with ADD/ADHD often excel in technology so I feel like I’m paying high taxes to educate the kids the school feels are deemed worthy. Am I paranoid or do others out there feel discriminated against?
Oh, yes indeed. After school tutors, re-teaching sessions with mom, remediating outside of school because they can’t seem to get it right. Denied evaluations because child is not failing but has a severe descrepancy. Capable of honors classes but teacher won’t give accommodations. Wait till HS. It just gets better. LOL
I truly am sympathizing with you. I’m living the same thing.