well finally my son keegan (first grade) wants to blend the sounds together to form words. he starts with the first sound then the second, puts the first two togther and then says the next then adds that one ect ect. but now he wants blend all words. even words that cant be blended becasue the sounds arent in the word. now im getting fustrated and he is. he finally wants to try to read with me. what do i do next.???? i have reading reflex but im lost…help!!!! the school is teaching the “word families” but he doesnt remember them even after he is taught them. stuck again…..any ideas…..
Re: ok he's blending but wants to blend everything...?!!!
He is actually doing just what he should be doing. I am confusedby what you mean when you say even when the sounds aren’t in the word- do you mean that he is trying to blend s and h for eample instead of saying /sh/? These are parts of the code he likely hasn’t been taught yet- I would just tell him those words and explain that they come later… and then move on. Could you give some examples?
I’m confused as to what he is doing wrong. Is he blending the wrong sounds? If so, I would guess he doesn’t know the code well enough or is reading material that has advanced code in it that you haven’t taught him (some of which is not very phonetic e.g., kn, ph, ).
Or is he adding sounds that aren’t in the word? When my son does that, I take a pencil and make him segment each sound. If he continues to do the same thing (he doesn’t anymore but used to), I will recopy the word somewhere else. Don’t ask me why, but that often helps.
Or did I completely miss the boat?