There is an interesting piece about districts’ spending on legal costs on the front page, titled “OMISSIONS OF FACT & PERVERSIONS OF LAW”
Any thoughts?
Differences abound
Let’s see now, so lets treat all paraplegics like people who can walk, they don’t need wheelchiars if they try they can walk. Doesn’t sound like logic to me. People need accomodations based on their needs. One problem is that some people tend to make snap judgements based on little, often faulty information.
Just browsing the site I noticed that they are extremely pro-inclusion. And I know that inclusion without remediation is a total joke. So I think they are off base in suggesting that little rural districts can happily have all their special kids graduate because they were in nice inclusion environments. This is a total fantasy. You won’t pass our state testing just by moving up with age level peers. Children with reading disorders must receive remediaiton, and one-on-one is best for that.