These are rather lengthy articles from the UK, so I will just put the links here. Although I do not believe my boy was damaged by the MMR in the manner suggested here (he is autistic, newly verbal), that does not mean that I do not think it is possible that other children are indeed harmed by this vaccine. Common sense tells one that NO medicine is 100% without adverse reactions, and as a parent, I am less impressed with the statistic manipulations of the pushers (“empirical” evidence oddly without actual observation of patients) than I am with the observation of literally thousands of parents (dismissed as “anecdotal”), who represent those persons with the greatest time-log of hands-on direct handling of the patients (their children) and whom will be in the greatest position to notice if and when such changes would occur. Were the “disintegration” into regressive autism only infrequently to occur shortly after receiving the MMR, I might be inclined to think coincidence, but when it in reality has occured time and again within about a week of receiving this jab, I will have some very serious consideration of causation.
I do find it extremely curious that in the US, VAERs, the system of compensating the “losers” of the compulsary vaccination program will not pay for damages caused by the MMR if said damage occurs later than 24 hours after receiving the jab, when the original safety studies for the MMR indicated that any encephalopathy that occurs because of the measles is expected 5-12 days AFTER having the jab. Something stinks here, and we need a real answer to this problem.
Should the MMR truly not be the culprit some fear, then we need to know so we can stop wasting time looking at this angle and start looking for the real trigger, as well as not jeopardising the immunization program needlessly and risking a return to measles damages and rubella exposure to in-utero infants. However, if the MMR IS the trigger, we need to learn why some kids get damaged so we can screen them from receiving this shot, and develope safer alternatives to ward against these diseases to avoid causing autism in children.
Autism has gone from 1 in 10,000 to 6 in 1,000 in just 40 years. About half of todays autistic kids have the regressive form that is suspected by some to be caused by the MMR. There has been no sign of a slowdown as of yet.
From the Shaffer Report:
Pt 1
Pt 2
Pt 3