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Parents of Preshoolers with ADHD in southeast PA!

Submitted by an LD OnLine user on

Are you the parent of a 3-5 year old who attends daycare or preschool at least 2 days a week? Is your child displaying inattentive, impulsive or overactive behavior? Do you live in Southeastern Pennsylvania?

If you answered yes to these questions, Project PEAK may be a good fit for your family! PEAK is an early intervention parent education program with the goal of teaching behavior management strategies to parents of preschool children (ages 3-5) who are at-risk for or showing symptoms of ADHD. We are currently recruiting for our fourth cohort of families to complete this program.

PEAK has been conducted in a face-to-face setting and as a completely web-based program. Both the face-to-face and online versions are designed to be highly engaging and promote parent involvement and we are excited to move forward with the next series of families, in which we will compare the two. We hope and expect these two programs will be highly effective in helping parents manage challenging behaviors, as both been in the past with our previous families.

Parents who participate in PEAK will be asked to complete 10 weekly sessions, either online or in person, and will be randomly assigned to a group. They will also be asked to participate in a series of assessments prior to the onset of the program to determine eligibility. Further, they will be asked to allow non-obtrusive observers to come to their homes on a weekly basis to observe the implementation of the skills they will be taught in the program. Parents who are assigned to participate in the face-to-face program will be provided with childcare and dinner, if appropriate.

As I said, we are actively recruiting for the spring cohort! The program will begin in March and we are aiming for 30-45 families to participate, so any help is appreciated. We are looking for families of children between the ages of 3-5 who are enrolled in preschool or a daycare setting at least 2 times a week (and are not enrolled in kindergarten) and who are showing signs of ADHD (a diagnosis is not necessary) and who do not have additional diagnoses related to intellectual disability or Autism Spectrum Disorder. These families must also have a working computer with internet.

For more information, please check out our website or contact our office:

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