PASSWORD>aadRYmgc7CHPc: FFW did not help my son who is 8 and has auditory and visual processing and all the symptoms of dyslexia. As my husband and I remarked when seeing the reports, a flatline, is a flatline, is a flatline. (ie no progess) I had to fight the school district to provide this, if I had known that there was no independent research on this I would never have pursued it. Absolutely do not expect this to teach your child to read. My son is attending Lindamood-Bell and has learnt more in 3 weeks than in 3 years at the public school. While at Carl’s Jr for lunch a couple of weeks ago he remarked “that sign over there says OUT OF” If he had said OUT OF ORDER everyone in Southern California would have heard me scream! He started at Lindamood-Bell on February 5th. It is a huge financial burden but the advocate I am working with says we can get reimbursed. I could no longer deal with the school district and watch my son’s future go down the toilet. I believe that anyone who doesn’t learn to read……doesn’t make it. This is a very lonely road and I wish you all the best for you and your family.sincerelyCheryl