This is more of an informational message-my son wqas diagnosed with ADHD almost 4 years ago-he is 9 now. The Adderall has worked wonders but he still had problems with Reading Comprehension that could not be explained. We wandered through CST he__ while trying to figure it out because he could read. What nobody knew was that when he was reading to himself with nobody to correct him, he was skipping words and jumping lines. We discovered this by accident when a woman who I was having a discussion with told be about “Eye Teaming”. I found 2 doctors within a 35 jile radius who treated this and took him to both who both came to the same diagnosis.
After 6 sessions, his Reading comprehension score on his CAT tests had improved by 34 percent!!! He has now finished 18 sessions and is a changed child. He does not hate to read, he does not avoid homework, and his self esteem has improved as well. I have learned that this is a condition that not many people know of though it is EXTREMELY common in children (and adults) with AD(H)D.
Don’t give up EVER, keep questioning. And don’t ever believe that 20/20 is enough-my son has 20/20 vision but his eyes did not focus together as a team, they focused on 2 different places causing him to blend words (creating a non-existent word), and he lost his place often. He is now reading Harry POtter 3 (he finished 1 and 2) and keeps reading after his vision theray “homework” is done. Good Luck.