Re: Religous/Christian parents beware!
First you say that your school is *not* accredited, and then you finish by saying that the state *should* make laws that require the school to meet academic standards but not interfere with religion.
Well, I believe you are misunderstanding something here. The states involved did not interfere in any way with your right to practice your religion — you went to that school and nobody stopped you. But as far as the state maintaining academic standards, well, that is exactly what accreditation is! If your school was not accredited, either it did not meet some of the standards, or the people operating it chose not to apply for accreditation for whatever reasons of their own. The standards for accreditation refer only to academic programs and physical safety and have nothing to do with practicing any religion or not.
You really should try for the GED in order to have a widely accepted diploma.
If you can’t get the GED in time, most community colleges allow part-time registration; this can be a good way to get your feet wet in the college experience.
I think it is important to understand state laws regarding home and private schools. I am a bit puzzled, though, because I know homeschool graduates who did not have a GED who attended our local commnity college in NC. I assume they passed the entry tests, though. Was that the problem that you didn’t pass the required English and Math tests?