Are ADHD drugs safe? Report finds little proof
At a time when millions of children and adults are taking drugs for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, the most comprehensive scientific analysis of the drugs to date has found little evidence that they are safe, that one drug is more effective than another or that they help school performance.
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And don’t forget that the studies in aggregate showed little or no long-term benefit to put against whatever risk is involved. This is also consistent with what I have learned from my own research - long-term outcomes seem to be unaffected by stimulants. Unknown risks, little or no long-term benefits - sounds to me like long-term use of stimulants are not or should not be a treatment of choice.
–- Steve
This directly mirrors the meta-analysis done by Canada in 2002. Bottom line - we need to have long-term safety studied pronto so risk-benefit can be determined and parents can make informed consent decisions.