I am posting this as a public service for any parent unlucky enough to have their child lose his or her assignment book after school starts. By October, these things totally disappear from the market. Two days ago I posted a request for an online site for school planners because I could not find what I needed after two hours of web surfing. Sue kindly found a few sites on the web, but they did not offer quite the product I was after.
Finally, after yet another very exhaustive search I located the following site: successbydesign.com.
This is a company that makes academic planners to be ordered in bulk by schools, but they also will take single orders online from individuals. They have an extensive range of planners in varous combination of weekly, daily, dated, undated, three hole punched, or bound for elementary, middle and high school. Prices are very reasonable (the one I ordered was $2.60), but there is a minimum $5 shipping charge for orders under $50.
I would be happy if this post saves just one person from the trouble I went through.